We offer a variety of packages that combine several services at an
attractive price. These suggestions are perfect as gifts for any
special occasion.
Relax & Restore Package
Enjoy total relaxation with
our package including deep massage, aromatherapy and a
hydrating facial. Ideal for restoring energy and caring for
the skin.
Glow & Radiance Package
Этот пакет включает в себя
освежающий пилинг, интенсивное увлажнение и расслабляющий
массаж лица. Помогите своей коже засиять здоровым блеском и
почувствуйте прилив свежести.
SDetox & Revive Package Cleansing and Restoration – This package contains treatments aimed at detoxifying the body, relaxing muscles and improving overall well-being. Give yourself balance and harmony.
Feel the harmony of body and soul with our exclusive spa treatments. We offer care and attention to every detail so you can relax and enjoy the moment.